Friday, 1 May 2020

Parasites and Cats

Ticks, Fleas and Worm

What are ticks?

Ticks are a type of arachnid they are more closely related to the spider than other insects. They are typically 3-5mm in size and have four pairs of legs. They do not have antennae. Ticks are a type of external parasite which means they survive by feeding off of the blood of other animals. There ae over 800 species of ticks around the world.
How to safely remove a tick
Ticks can pick up and pass disease causing bacteria’s and have been known to carry lymes disease. For this reason, it is important to remove any ticks you do find on your pet.
Do not try to pull the tick off your pet!
The safest way to remove a tick is by using a tick twister. Tick twisters can be bought at your vets, at most pet stores of online.

The video below shows how to use a tick twister:


What are fleas?

Fleas are small flightless insects that survive as external parasites on mammals and birds. They live off of the blood and hematophagy of their hosts. They are red brown in colour with compressed bodies, fleas are around 1 to 3 mm in length with females being the bigger of the two sexes. There are 2,500 different types of fleas.

Though fleas are flightless they have incredible jumping abilities which allow them to jump up to eight inches into the air making it easy for them to hop from the ground onto a cat! Fleas will consume around fifteen times their body weight in blood each day and excrete partially digested blood which the larvae will then feed on. Flea dirt is a good indicator that your pet has fleas.

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How to treat fleas
We recommend a licenced product. This will come from your veterinary surgery in a spot on, injection or tablet form. Flea collars and unlicensed products should be avoided. Do not use a product intended for dogs on your cat as it can be toxic.

To control a flea infestation the adult fleas must be killed and the environment treated. The most common product used to treat households is in a spray form. This spray should be applied to carpets and furnishings. This spray should never be used on the cat itself. Regular vacuuming will also help.

To prevent re-infestation monthly treatment of your cat is recommended. It can be hard to get an infestation under control, sometimes taking weeks or months. This is why it is important to take the necessary steps to prevent fleas before an infestation can occur.


What are worms?

Parasitic worms are large macro parasites. They can often be seen by the naked eye and are usually transmitted via the soil and infect the gastrointestinal tract. They survive by living and feeding on nutrients inside hosts such as cats.

They can’t reproduce totally inside the host so some of their life cycle includes stages that take place outside of the hosts body. Some worms are able to survive inside their hosts for years because of their ability to manipulate the host’s immune response by secreting products that prevent rejection of the worms by the body.

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How to treat worms

We recommend using a licenced product from your veterinary surgery.  Avoid any product that is not licenced as these may not work. Do not use a product intended for dogs on your cat as it can be toxic.

This will come in a spot on or tablet form. Different treatments will treat different types of worms so always check with your vet which treatments will be the most effective for your pet.

To prevent re-infestation your pet should be treated regularly.




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