started volunteering with Bridgend Cat Protection 2 years ago and having gained
experienced from the role of Cat Carer to which I became a kitten fosterer. With each
litter, I have gained more and more experience.
each litter and mum are different, they all need the basic wellbeing needs such
as grooming and human contact.
mum and kittens first come into foster care mum is always quite nervous to
leave her kittens, but she slowly gains confidence and is happy for me to interact
with her and her kittens. It is important for kittens to be socialised at a
young age to ensure that they have a positive experience with human contact.
The first step is to slowly get them comfortable with being handled as I try to
encourage the kittens to enjoy the grooming experience. One tip I have is to
use a soft toothbrush, which encourages self-grooming and relaxation.
the weeks pass by the kittens will tend to become more independent and will
slowly know how to groom themselves. Mum cat will become less attached to the
kittens and their needs.
the kittens reach the age of 5-7 weeks, I introduce a soft slicker brush which
I find great for short and long fur. This is the type of brush that should be
used for adult cats which is why it should be used at a young age so it will
make the experience more rewarding when they are older.
it is important for the kittens to be groomed and kept healthy it is also
important for mum cat to get lots of attention, grooming and human contact. She
needs to know that she is just as special.
a volunteer and fosterer is such a rewarding experience knowing that I have
done my best to care for both mum and kittens and prepare them for their
forever homes."
If you would like more information about becoming a kitten fosterer then please email the centre on bridgend@cats.org.uk or call us on 01656724396.
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