Friday, 30 November 2018

Cats Protection Bridgend Journal part 2!

It is the time of year again when the Christmas trees are coming out, homes are being decorated and it is no different here at the centre, which is looking very festive after our cat carers took time out from their busy schedules to bring a bit of festive cheer to the place.  Our memory tree is also up in reception ready to celebrate the lives of much loved cats who have passed away.  To find out more about dedicating a special decoration on our tree, click here

It is also the end of another busy month in the centre, during which 120 cats and kittens were admitted into our care.  One particular kitten who touched all our hearts and is a firm favourite with all of us is Toothless, he was in a sorry state when he was found with his sibling in someone’s garden at just 5 weeks of age. They both had horrific diarrhoea, flu and were very malnourished, sadly, the sibling passed away. 
Toothless was very poorly when he was found

Toothless , however proved to be a little survivor, he rallied around after a worming treatment cleared his huge burden of round worms and antibiotics cleared up his flu symptoms.  With the magic ingredient of extra TLC, Toothless now has a new lease of life!  He is bouncing around his pen, rolling on his stomach and loving his toys, whilst firmly wrapping his paws around our hearts. 
Toothless, a little survivor  

113 cats and kittens left our care to their forever homes during the month!  What makes this figure extra special is seeing some of our long stay cats leaving us including our longest staying cat Freddie who was with us for over 100 days.  Freddie is a friendly cat but found the centre environment very frightening and spent most of his time cowering and hiding.  Our cat carers worked hard to bring him out of his shell but he was still very reclusive.  We are delighted that his new humans saw passed his shyness to the lovely cat he is underneath.

Freddie, our longest staying cat has been adopted

Freddie was also our sponsor cat and now that he has left us, we have a new cat to take his place.  Her name is Lily, you might remember her from last week’s blog, she is a 17-year-old cat who was diagnosed as hyperthyroid.  She was waiting for surgery to have her thyroid glands removed at the time, well we are glad to say that she has now had her operation and a much needed dental and is making a remarkable recovery.  You can find out more about becoming a Cats Protection sponsor cat by visiting

17 year old Lily is our new sponsor cat

This week, the lovely Delia gave birth to 4 beautiful kittens, 3 girls and 1 boy, they are a lovely little family and both mum and kittens are doing well.  We asked for name suggestions on our last blog and FB page  and being as Christmas is not far away, we have decided to call the girls Holly, Ivy, Fern and the boy Berry.  Festive names to suit the time of you, Hope you like our chosen names and thank you all for putting your suggestions forward.
Delilah with her 4 new born kittens

Before we go just a couple of updates on some of the cats from our last entry, Felix is still recovering from his operation to have his tail amputated, his recovery has taken longer than normal, and he is still under vet care,  hopefully it won’t before he makes a full recovery.
Rascal and Cookie the beautiful 5 months old kittens were adopted as soon as they became available and have left us to start life in their new home, we are looking forward to having news as to how they are settling in their new home.

That is all for now, hope you have enjoyed reading part 2 of journal; we are looking forward to sharing more news and stories with you in our next entry.

Bye for now!

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